BeoPlast Besgen GmbH
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BeoPlast Besgen has been a carbon neutral company since 2014. In their attempt to extend the process chain, they are focusing more and more on bio-based materials. BeoPlast advises and supports new customers for the implementation of these materials in new projects, respectively for the substitution of petro-based materials for actual projects. These can also be recycled material. BeoPlast manufactures plastic components from 1 gram up to 3,500 gram. They are also building the necessary tools in-house. On request BeoPlast is also producing prototypes in 3D printing, vacuum casting or with aluminum tools. For the product development they are working with CATIA or Siemens NX.
BeoPlast Besgen GmbH
Industriestraße 64
D-40764 Langenfeld
Phone: +49(0) 21 73 / 84 84 0-0
Telefax: +49(0) 21 73 / 84 84 0-24