University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover unites within its divisions „Design and Media“ and „Information and Communications“ 14 Bachelor’s and five Master’s programs from different communications disciplines. Round about 60 professors, 20 teachers and visiting lecturers contribute to the education of 2.500 faculty III students.
Communication theories, their discussion and practice are particularly addressed within the Bachelor’s programs „Journalism“ and „Public Relations“ as well as in the Master’s programs „Communication Management“ and „Television Journalism“. Lectures are hold at the former world exhibition grounds of 2000.
Counting 9.600 students, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover is the second largest academic school in the capital of Lower Saxony. Currently 57 degree programs at different locations across the city of Hannover offer a great educational variety. Education, research and development, practice orientation, further qualification and internationality shape the performance of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover.
Project lead:
Prof. Dr. Wiebke Möhring (Since 2016 at the TU Dortmund)
M.A. Julia-Maria Blesin
Tel.: +4951192962666