Technical University of Braunschweig - Institute for Machine Tools and Production Technology
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The Department of Sustainable Production and Life Cycle Engineering of the Institute for Machine Tools and Production Technology (IWF) of the Technical University of Braunschweig deals with the life-cycle optimization of products and processes through the development of appropriate concepts, methods and tools and their application in practice. The IWF engaged in various research projects with life cycle oriented design, Beside funded research projects, the IWF is involved in industrial projects due to the optimization of production processes.
The IWF has developed extensive expertise in the economic, environmental and simulative-technological analysis and evaluation of industrial production process chains and material and energy flows throughout the entire life cycle of products and processes.
Various research projects on life cycle oriented design, planning and management of sustainable process chains to increase the productivity benefits of products or materials.
• MultiMak (development of design and evaluation tools for use justice ecologically optimized multi-material automotive component concepts in mass production; BMBF / DLR, 2012-2016)
• EnHiPro (energy and adjuvant Optimized production; BMBF / PTKA, 2009-2012)
• Progress (design resource-efficient process chains using the example of die-cast aluminum; BMBF / PTKA, 2009-2012)
Project lead
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Herrmann
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Thiede
Tel.: +49/531/391-7152
Fax.: +49/531/391-5842
Dipl.-Ing. Christine Schulze
Tel.: +49/531 391 7696
Fax.: +49/531/391-5842